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Refined Goblin Dignitary

NO IMAG! D: Look at this posh mf! So refined. So dainty. So GAY!!! Haha, but for real folks. This guy is on the higher end of goblin society. This is no stray adventuring goblin, no no. This goblin implies soc-istic values; French taste in company and even Frencher taste in the company of women. He doubtless is a master of the armonica, and is depicted here trying his hand at piano - his dainty little goblin fingers will pick up the instrument in no time. His tiny stool is assuredly priced at no less than 200 goblincoin (an exchange rate of 1:1 with etherium). The Refined Goblin Dignitary has it all right there in his name. That's why he named himself that.

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Willy and Willy's Character Mania 2022