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Willy and Willy's Character Mania 2022

NO IMAG! D: Willy and Willy's Character Mania 2022 was a small flipbook containing 20 characters. The name and cover relate to years past, when I would make things in the name of "Willy and Willy", those Willies being Willy Johnson and Willy Sketch. Willy Johnson, of course, is the pen name I gave myself and used for about 3 years between the span of 2012 and 2015. Very cool!
Some of the characters included in WWCM2K22 are inspired by ADnD and the Trogdor board game, such as the Kobold Pioneer of the East, The Horn of Dolgath, or Glogur of the Grimdark. Glogur in particular is rather Jhonka-y.

Guys Contained In This List...

Mammal 1
Bone Warper
Kamikaze Pony
Kobold Pioneer of the East
Refined Goblin Dignitary
The Horn of Dolgath
Lipped 'n Ripped
The Monkey King
Saber-Toothed Moth
Son of the Mighty Warrior
Glogur of the Grimdark
The Exiled One
Frogriders of Khali-hĂȘi
Reverse Giraffe
Dr. Virustein
Robed Greg
The Crabomancer