stale pancakes

Stale Pancakes is the longest running series I made. Concieved of in mid-2012 and running relatively nonstop until 2018, the series mostly follows turtle Joe Turtle and human Willy Sketch as they do silly cartoon stuff as well as battle each other in intended-to-be largescale sci-fi/fantasy epics. The two constantly bounce back between friend and foe and have a vast cast of characters surrounding their antics. The series, being made by a child, tends to be inspired by/directly rip off other cartoons and comics like Homestar Runner, Kaput and Zosky, Steven Universe, and more.

Stale Pancakes Oldies

Stale Pancakes Oldies is the classic era of Stale Pancakes from around 2012 to 2015.

2013-2015 READ!!! ->

Willy's Awesome Adventure

Willy's Awesome Adventure is an offshoot of Stale Pancakes Oldies. It takes place in a feaux-fantasy-video-game universe that eventually gets really dramatic because I picked the series back up in middle school.

2014, 2018, 2020 READ!!! ->

Stale Pancakes 6

Stale Pancakes 6 is key entry in the Stale Pancakes metanarrative. It was during the creation of Stale Pancakes 6 that I mapped out the Stale Pancakes multiverse, how each version of the series is related, and the narrative lurking in the background of every editon. Stale Pancakes 6 itself slowly leans into this narrative in short comics intended to be mostly comedic.

2016-2017 READ!!! ->

Stale Pancakes 7

Stale Pancakes 7 is a weird middle child in the Stale Pancakes comicography involving much rebooting and portraying key events that are hard for the layman to understand in strange and weird ways.

2017-2018 READ!!! ->

Stale Pancakes 9

Stale Pancakes 9 is a re-envisioning of Stale Pancakes Oldies and the most faithful in its inerpretation. It feels and acts the most like the original series. It's like The Orville!

2020 READ!!! ->